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GLBT Alliance Mixer At The AC Axe And Pub In Atlantic City NJ

Events. At AC Axe And Pub , 1000 Boardwalk Inside Steel Pier, Atlantic City, NJ. United states.

Monday August 26 2019, 5:30pm until 7:30pm


GLBT Alliance Mixer At The AC Axe And Pub In Atlantic City NJ

The Atlantic City GLBT Alliance will hold its monthly GLBT mixer at The AC Axe And Pub at the Steel Pier on the Boardwalk in Atlantic City, NJ from 5:30 - 7:30 pm on Monday, August 26, 2019.

There will be a raffle plus free appetizers and a cash bar. For more info visit acglbt.org

The Greater Atlantic City GLBT Alliance is a private, nonprofit, membership supported organization dedicated to promoting a better economic, social and political advocacy of GLBT and GLBT supportive business and citizens in the greater Atlantic City region.

Membership in the Greater Atlantic City GLBT Alliance is an affordable, effective way to build and nurture relationships with other GLBT and GLBT supportive business and citizens.
