Rutherford Pridefest 2024
Prides. At Lincoln Park , 115 Highland Cross, Rutherford, NJ. United states.
Saturday June 1 2024, 11:00am

Rutherford Pridefest 2024
Saturday, June 1, 2024 - 11:00AM to 4:00PM EST
The Rutherford Pride Alliance was formed in 2018 to promote and foster LGBTQ+ inclusivity, visibility, and advocacy in the Rutherford, NJ area. With an online membership group of 600+ supporters, they have been able to create social and educational events for the LGBTQIA+ community members and allies within the Rutherford area.
They were thrilled to raise the Pride Flag in Rutherford for the first time in 2019, to a crowd of 400+ people, and are gearing up to celebrate Pride Month again, with PRIDEFEST 2024 on Saturday, June 1 in Lincoln Park, immediately following our flag raising ceremony.
The Rutherford Arts Council was formed in 2019 to create a community-driven arts program. Our mission is to celebrate, inspire and support artists and spark greater interest in the arts. They seek to unify and expand existing art and music programming in Rutherford. Their vision includes multiple disciplines for youth and adults such as visual art, dance, theater, music, and literature.